Ice Bowling Championship
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February 15, 2014 @ 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Frozen Moran Bay
$20(resident) and $25(non-resident) per team
Little Bear Ice Bowling Championship
Entry fee is $20 (residents) and $25 (non-residents) for a 4-person team, double elimination format. Each game will consist of 5 frames. Balls will be available in various weights, regulation pins will be used. No skates, cleats, or spikes allowed. Adult games start at Noon, youth games start at 3pm.
Divisions: Adult men, women, and coed. Youth-ages 10-17.
Variable ice surfaces and bad racks are part of the game.
Each team is responsible to keep their score and rack their pins , pin tenders are available to rent out.
1st Place through 3rd Place awards are given.