

September 18, 2020 all-day

Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the 2020 art show will be held virtually. This will include live streamed interviews with artists, workshops and training sessions with artists, live concerts, and tours of our various exhibits of all forms of art from over 200 artists from 19 countries. The link to the virtual show, free to the public, will be posted here as soon as it is ready.”


The Travelling Gallery of the Intercontinental Biennial of Indigenous Art is a travelling art show founded by Jorge Cevallos of Lima, Peru, president and founder of the Indigenous School of Arts Foundation based in Ecuador.

Together, the Biennial, the Travelling Gallery, and the Indigenous School showcase


South and Central American art made by native artists practising modern and ancient techniques, from all over the world. Though the main art show, the Biennial, is held only bi-annually and most often in Central America; the Travelling Gallery has most recently been displayed to the public in Portland (Oregon), Chicago, St. Ignace, Cairo, Oslo, Toronto, Copenhagen, Rio de Janeiro, and many other international locales.

One of the main objectives of the Travelling Gallery is to develop and strengthen systems of communication. The relationships that are generated and cultivated through these displays and their accompanying educational workshops open an integral line of communication between the indigenous communities and artists, and the spectators and attendees of the show, who often foster lifelong connections and friendships with the artists.

The Travelling Gallery offers a visionary initiative, which begins the conversation between nations to help replicate this project in other countries so that we too can cultivate, through these types of programs, the invaluable cultural heritage that the relationships have fostered.

The Travelling Gallery was displayed in St. Ignace, Michigan for 5 days over Labor Day weekend in 2018 and was a huge success. So much so that Jorge and myself would like to bring the gallery back to St. Ignace and the Straits Area as a whole.