Michilimackinac Historical Society Friday Night at the Museums!
Friday Night at the Museums!
History Presentation Series
By Susan Sleeper-Smith
Friday, JULY 10, 2020 6:00 PM FREE Online via ZOOM
Susan Sleeper-Smith is an Associate Professor of History at Michigan State University. She received a 2002-2003 research fellowship at the Newberry Library in Chicago and has written extensively on the fur trade and women in the fur trade, in both journal and book form.
Dr. Smith is a charismatic and entertaining speaker, bringing history to life in a very colorful way. She will be presenting information examining Native American- Euro American encounters during the colonial and early national histories of North America. Dr. Smith’s particular interest is exploring history focusing on sites of encounter, particularly borderlands such as Michilimackinac, where diverse people interacted and where local identity changed over time.
Register for this, and future presentations, at the Michilimackinac Historical Society Web Page at MichMackHS.org and click on the Programs and Events button. A link to access the presentation will be emailed to you prior to the event.